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disconnected world

Finally, the clouded chatter of other people's wishes begins to clear and I am able to see the sun shine through my consciousness and enjoy listening to silence.

The wind seems to be in constant dialogue with the birds, but seldom do they interrupt one another

They take turns rather politely with much respect for one another.

It's like this in nature. It's indeed natural to respect.

The berries are popping out all over the trees and vines begging to be eaten with their bright red ripeness - pear trees- rasberries everywhere.

It seems all the love in this part of the planet was sucked up by nature and unfortunately none was left for the people as they kill for sport and eat them, speak harshely to one another without listening -

without allowing the sun to pop threw their clouded souls.

No time for growing, let alone to blossom fruit. And if the people had fruit to be eaten, they would hold on to it, unwilling to give. Keep it on their tree to rot and drop to the ground as waste. Ultimately stunting their own growth.

Why don't people learn from nature?

No wonder they don't believe in God.

Because they don't look at the sun and flowers long enough to let God in.

They only look into each other's eyes in a smoke filled dark room long enough to exchange anger, insults and move on.

And if and when they do take a moment to look at nature, it's with their drunken souls and surreal minds clouded with narcissism that can only offer the trees their alcolol breaths of frustration and disgust with themselves.

Not respecting trees and mountains long enough to listen to the lessons they offer.

RA 1990


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